Playing video games can make kids smarter claims study published in 2022

Playing video games can make kids smarter claims study published in 2022

Video games impact on kids: Every parent tries to keep their children away from video games. They believe that video games are bad for children and they can get addicted to them. For this, parents are insisting on taking their children away from video games and giving them outdoor games. However, the study believes exactly the opposite. A study published in 2022 states that playing video games can be beneficial for children and can also increase the IQ level of some children. Even though this is shocking, the study also revealed that watching TV or using social media does not have a bad or good effect on the minds of children.

What does the study say about video games?

In this study published in Scientific Reports, it has been said that screen time during video games does not have any adverse effect on the cognitive abilities of children. The study also revealed that playing video games can be beneficial for some children.
Researchers also said that children cannot become intelligent just by playing video games. Factors work behind this. He also admitted that his sample size for the study was very small. That is, he had selected only a small number of children for his study.

That’s why the study was done

Nowadays, digital media has spread to every home and children too have not remained untouched by it. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to understand the impact of different types of media on children. Researchers said that what effects digital media has on children is not yet fully known and it is a debatable issue.

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